In the above picture, look at the far, far right, circled in very thin yellow. That's us. We made the Master Plan. An afterthought, but we're in it. These pictures are probably 5 years old. There are condos, houses and apartments right at our back door.

This picture is maybe 2 years old. These condos were built 2 blocks from us. Ben loves to take pictures with the water tower showing up between buildings. (Like this one). If our buildings or the water tower aren't easily visible, look closer. They're in 95% of the pictures he takes.

Ben with a statue of E.H. Crump. (Crump Blvd). This statue was dedicated to "Boss" Crump on the day that Ben was born. 04-21-1957. Coincidence? Ben doesn't think so. ha ha

These pictures are to show you why Ben calls them "Hoff Towers", besides the fact that it's our name. From overhead, you can see they're in the shape of an "H". Coincidence? Ben doesn't think so.

The gas station across the street (above), is what caused all of these (below).

I made these pictures, shortly after we bought them.

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